You are invited ::: 30 Days of Love Notes begins June 14th


 Join me on June 13th for a 30 day love note writing adventure.  Follow on Instagram or Facebook for the daily prompt. Or print out the 30 day calendar, post it where you'll see it each day and follow along.  Each day a prompt will invite us to write to a different person. You can share your love note writing adventures using #LoveYou2 #30LoveNotes .To get prepared, visit the loves notes page and download the templates that grab your attention and inspire you.I'm gearing up for a visit to he Wellbeing Teams in Wigan, England on July 14th. In preparation, we are launching a 30 day love note writing campaign aimed at expanding our muscles and capacity for giving and receiving love in the community around us. In Wigan, we'll have a workshop where we explore creating belongingness at work and the role love notes can play in work environments to create connection and provide ritual.I hope you'll join me on June 13th as we begin our own adventures to change the world one love note at a time.