story behind the heART: TIME



time passes

time stands still

time stops

time flies

suspended in time

time heals

back in time

time slows



piece is difficult to photograph but one of my favorites.  

Over several months, I was incredibly conscious about my experiences with time and made an effort to pause in the moment and savor that current reflection about time.  I collected the thoughts and played with them until they turned into these phrases (now stamped on rad metal tape sent for this project by my fabulous sister). I was curious how this process would feel similar or different to my experiences being conscious of love - both time & love are intangible, necessary elements that we seek after but can't buy. 

Like exploring my various relationships and experiences with love - being conscious of time has made me ever appreciative of the abundance of 'just this' moments and opportunity to choose to be present in any situation.

What experiences would you add to