story behind the heART: Everything will be ok.


"Everything will be ok." is one of the first signs I hung on the fence.  I say this phrase so many times to my kids and I hoped a visual reminder might provide the reinforcement necessary to make this statement true, help it become their mantra. Its one of those things I'd like to write with a sharpie on the wall by the backdoor or the palm of their hand - hey, everything will be ok!

We maneuver through the morning's beautiful chaos of packing lunches, reviewing the after school schedules, sorting permission slips and soccer shoes and too small pants - Everything will be ok.  Yes, sometimes I say this allowed as a prayer, a fortune or a wish as much as a belief.
Everything will be ok.
One of those mornings, I was triggered by my one of my own fears - a deep fear that can send me on an inward spiral down.  Its a familiar path, so well worn that my mind spins quickly and arrives at complete disaster within seconds. My heart pounds. My senses alert. Disaster looms.  While I know this is not reality, the path of fear seductively pulls in a familiar way. With perceived emanate disaster looming around me and the kids waiting in the car to go to school, I grabbed my purse and walked down the stairs, glimpsing this sign posted for my kids, "Everything will be ok." "Ya, right," said a voice inside - my deepest fears becoming larger than the truth.


By evening, I'd sort through my fear and retraced my mind's path back to the warm, preferred place of abundance and love.  I took the sign off the fence and added, "yes, it will".  I had to talk back to the inner fear.  A reminder that even when fear seductively beckons - Everything will be ok. Yes, it will.