Physical distancing not social isolation


I am physically distancing at home (@ucsf has non essential staff working from home through April 15th & my son’s high school has gone online through April 20th)..Thank you to #flattenthecurve & #thisisnotasnowday for explaining things clearly: we can do our part to help contain Covid19 by staying home, in addition to washing our hands & monitoring how we feel. The graphs are clear: it will take each of us distancing ourselves now to contribute to the collective good..Physical distancing or illness ≠ social isolation. As I am taking the time to put routines into place to support our thriving at home in the coming month+, I am committed more than ever to loving outloud..Today that looks like lots of letters and love notes. And a Facetime with my nieces (virtual gymnastics performance 👏🏼). And a zoom with @altmba coaches to noodle on what we have to contribute to the greater good. And voice memoes back and forth with my bestie to coordinate community needs. And a phone call with one of my loves to talk about what is close to our hearts..We can do this. We can (and need to!) love each other now more than ever..What creative ways are you staying connected as you physically distance? How can I love you right now?.Send me your address for a love note. xo forever