I am here.


I am fascinated by the exchange, the process of engaging in the exchange, the seeking for the yin to match the yang, the giving and the receiving of love. In this way, the #GetLoveGiveLove way of life was born.

I’d post about love online and hang signs without permission out in the world so that others can “get love” - small interruptions and reminders into a daily commute or online scroll. In return, you can “give love”. What will you do with that gift? How will you “i love you, too”?

This is a certain returning or reciprocity. Being the spark that lights a fire or a mirror that reflects back to someone what is already there. It’s the small action of showing up bravely, of being willing to make the first tiny movement towards another.

The heart wants what the heart wants. Once I knew what my heart wanted - to be seen and to be loved in return - I followed that desire with devotion.

I’m grateful for my connection to this #GetLoveGiveLove exchange process. I am grateful for having grown comfortable in my own skin and drawn towards this way of knowing myself.

#GetLoveGiveLove has become a call and response process for me. It is a way of locating myself in the world and in relation to others.

I am here.

I am here.

I am here.

#loveyou2 #lovenote