the story behind the heART: Love Wins


Last week, I bumped into a huge pile of unexpected negativity. Unprepared for the vicious comments and mean tone following a publication, I felt responsible to the folks involved who were now being criticized.

Seeing the meanness in volumes, I first wanted to crawl under my desk. I then thought I might cry. I wondered if I was to blame for the personal attacks towards those who had bravely told their truth. Next, I wanted to slay dragons to fix things. I felt like fighting. My co-worker wisely counseled, "Don't respond with emotion. Respond with resources." I followed her advise. And took lots of deep breaths.

By the time I went to sleep that night, I'd circled through a range of emotions and found a bit of  distance to see more clearly. The negativity was one dimensional and flat, hiding behind avatars and assumed names. The story being criticized was life-outloud vibrant, hopeful, brave, people working their programs and walking towards love and light.

In my dreams that night, this sign was born. That's right. Love wins. Always.

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