Love Lives Here: Dia de los Muertos 2015



A highlight of my year is the honor to be selected as one of the public altaristas for The Marigold Project's Dia de los Muertos celebration in Garfield Park. Each November 2nd, the living gather to build altars in tribute to loved ones who have journeyed to the other side. Following a procession through the streets of the Mission, attendees decent upon Garfield Park by the thousands to visit the public altars, pay respects and add trinkets of their own to these public spaces of remembrance. It's the night the living and the dead wait for all year: the night when we can dance together again. This year, my altar was themed "Love Lives Here" as a commentary on the rapid displacement of families, artist and the middle class throughout San Francicsco and markedly in the Mission District. As much media focus is on the rental and real estate market and discusssions about the out-migration of San Francisco's long time residents, we are missing the story of the deeper culture and strong ties to love and community that also shipshape with the housing transformation. #LoveLivesHereGorgeous video footage from the procession and altars (including Love Lives Here) by KQED's Kelly Whalen can be seen here.In all love and loss, wishing each one of us well on our journeys.